(Jennings, Okla.)  It’s something that had always eluded Jennings, but on February 17, 2018, the Jennings Blue Jays brought home the elusive “gold” after winning their first championship – ever.

It was team work that led the Blue Jays to defeat the two-time defending champions, the Rocky Mountain Rockets, and become the Oklahoma Rural Elementary Schools (ORES) state boys basketball champions.

“I’ve known for a while these kids could be the ones to do it, ” Coach Derrick Meador said of his 7th and 8th grade boys basketball team. “As a team, this group played together better than I’ve seen any other team. They knew their roles and played their strengths.”

The Blue Jays lost one game this season – to Pawnee. Instead of being upset, Meador said he is thankful for that loss because it showed them where they needed to improve. “We made a few changes and moved forward,” he said.

Coach Meador also said he is grateful for the outpouring of support from the community, “I’ll bet 500 people showed up at the championship game to support these kids!”

KUSH had the opportunity to meet with Coach Meador and three of the team players, 7th graders Tyler Reeves and Conner Holman and 8th grader Bradley Reeves, while they were delivering a thank you to Blue Flame Gas in Drumright – one of several sponsors that helped defray some of their expenses. Blue Flame owner Rick Sellers congratulated them and told them what everyone else in the community is thinking, “Come back and bring another one of these next year!”

Coach Meador and some of the team members – including MVP of the Year, Bradley Reeves – will be guests on HOME with the KUSH Girls, Wednesday (March 7th) at 8 a.m. on 1600 KUSH.